Домашка English $

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Ребят,помогите задали домашку по английскому придумать какую нибудь историю про Шерлок Холмса,тоесть я шерлок холмс и рассказываю от 1 лица типо какая история со мной произошла там этим летом.
Задание использовать только Past Simple.
Сказали историю любую всё решает ваша фантазия,задание легкое просто сегодня времени нет.

Плачу 30-50 рублей.
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09 сентября 2012 - 09:16

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PusseG, :D , лол за меня в колледж сходи, я там такую Story расскажу все с челюстью открытой будут стоять. Если быстро освобожусь напишу тебе TrueStory страницы на 1-2.
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09 сентября 2012 - 09:28


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Joke_for_F4N, 20 предложений макс училка сказала.
Задание на завтра очень прошу сделать :3
Сегодня целый день занят...

Добавлено через 3 минуты
Ах да еще сказала типо не обязательно там детективную стори можно просто типа рассказать чем занимался шерлок прошлой зимой и.т.д без убийств)
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09 сентября 2012 - 09:48


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Ну тут не 20 предложений, но как запасной вариант на 4-

One evening, I was approached by a man and asked me to describe what happened to him that day. On the trail of ketchup on his collar, wrinkled pants, calloused fingers and traces of powder on her face, I guess that this is a local miner, which should give me a parcel from my friend Watson. I politely spending it to his home, and poured some tea snotvornym.Na morning he woke up in the local jail. It was a hit man. Ketchup on the collar ito blood. Wrinkled pants are the result of his struggle szhertvoy and gunpowder on his face okozalos lie shot from a pistol.

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09 сентября 2012 - 09:52


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[quote name='"[A']pTeM[ka];454908"]okozalos[/quote]
Google? :D
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09 сентября 2012 - 09:54


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Hacker', ага :)
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09 сентября 2012 - 09:54


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When the Crown Prince of Austria was found dead, the evidence, Inspector Lestrade, point to suicide. But I came to the conclusion that the heir to the throne, was killed, and the killing - is only a small piece of the puzzle created by Professor Moriarty, in fact, a much more ambitious and scary. Investigate high-risk and leads me and Watson and our unwitting ally gypsy Sim across Europe, from England to France, then to Germany and finally to Switzerland. But the wily Moriarty is always one step ahead, he weaves a web of death and destruction in his grand plan, the success of which will change the course of history.

на :D

Изменено: timashka, 09 сентября 2012 - 10:00

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09 сентября 2012 - 09:55


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Могу собственноручно написать, не в переводчике тупо, а сам, если, конечно, ещё требуется. За простое человеческое «спасибо».

Изменено: RODIOSHA, 09 сентября 2012 - 12:08

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09 сентября 2012 - 10:59


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RODIOSHA, напиши пожалуйста.
Спасибо скажу,да и денюшку скину дело же всё таки.
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09 сентября 2012 - 01:36


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Some months ago I met a young man, his name was Jack. He looked about 25 years old, his jeans was very jammed, ragged. He didn't look very good, he was sad. I decided to ask him, what happended with him and invited him to own house. First of all I gave him some food and drinking. When his stomach was full, he asked to stay the night in my house, and, of course, I agreed, because I felt sorry him as it was winter and in the streets were very cold. The night was dark and noisy, because the weather was terrible — it was snow with rain. Waking in the morning I discovered that Jack had left my house. Not understanding the situation I checked all important things in my house. I was shocked: my clock from Bolgaria was stolen, carpet from Latvia too, and some money. Fortunately, I kept my money in a safe. I decided to go to the police and what was my surprise: Jack was sitting behind grille, and my things were on the Sheriff table. Thief was sentenced for 10 years in prison. I began to relate to people more carefully.
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09 сентября 2012 - 03:39


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[quote name='RODIOSHA']Some months ago I met a young man, his name was Jack. He looked about 25 years old, his jeans was very jammed, ragged. He didn't look very good, he was sad. I decided to ask him, what happended with him and invited him to own house. First of all I gave him some food and drinking. When his stomach was full, he asked to stay the night in my house, and, of course, I agreed, because I felt sorry him as it was winter and in the streets were very cold. The night was dark and noisy, because the weather was terrible — it was snow with rain. Waking in the morning I discovered that Jack had left my house. Not understanding the situation I checked all important things in my house. I was shocked: my clock from Bolgaria was stolen, carpet from Latvia too, and some money. Fortunately, I kept my money in a safe. I decided to go to the police and what was my surprise: Jack was sitting behind grille, and my things were on the Sheriff table. Thief was sentenced for 10 years in prison. I began to relate to people more carefully.[/quote]
четко, аж сам зачитался
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09 сентября 2012 - 03:42


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Спасибо огромное выручил Родя :)
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09 сентября 2012 - 03:59

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